Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Candy Cake

Kit Kats and M&M's! Yes please!
I have been asked how to make this cake, so I have finally found a worthy excuse to make one.
My son's 1st grade teacher has a birthday today and what a perfect reason to send some cake love.

Teachers don't always get the praise they deserve.
We have been so blessed to have amazing teachers for my son. I couldn't have asked for a more loving, dedicated teacher.  I am amazed at her patience.
What a tremendous job teachers have teaching the next generation. I am truly grateful for them!
So to all you teachers... Thank you! From a very grateful parent....Thank you for the hours you spend before school, after school and every other time in between.  Your time is priceless and my thanks is endless. Much love to you all!

Happy Birthday Mrs. Pedder, we love you!!

Now the cake.....

First start by making a cake, any cake, boxed, homemade, doesn't matter.
Then frost it, again doesn't have to be fancy, just throw some frosting on there, we are going to cover it anyway. Just try to smooth the sides a bit so the Kit Kats will have a nice place to rest.

Next start lining the Kit Kats side by side, gently pressing them into the frosting. Some may try to fall and try to escape, just press them back on. I used about 4 king size packs for this 6" cake.

Once you have completely circle the cake, grab a pretty ribbon. I chose my snowflake ribbon because it is supposed to snow around here today and it matched the M&Ms. Go ahead and get creative, it's allowed here. Just wrap the ribbon around the cake and make the best bow you can.
I am not the best bow maker so I just go simple.

Lastly, cover the top with the M&M's of your choice. I went with Valentine day ones here because it is the season and they are so girly. I have 3 boys, so I love to make things girly when I can.

There you have it, easy right? Now that you see how easy it is, I expect to see all your creations.

Baking from my heart to your kitchen,